State Events
For 2025 Arizona CDA State Convention information, click here.
Court #2651
Carolann DiMuzio, Regent of Daughters of St. Anthony Court 2651, presented Father Ariel Lustan, Pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, with a $2,500 check on behalf of the National Catholic Daughters of the Americas in February, 2025. The check, along with a letter from National Regent Susan Mone, was given to Father Ariel at a Sunday Mass. The letter from Susan Mone read "I have a personal connection with the CDA there as I instituted that Court as well as the Junior Catholic Daughters Court and know many of the ladies and attended many functions in that beautiful Church." The $2,500 check is from the National CDA Disaster Relief Fund and is for the rebuilding of the St. Anthony of Padua Church. The Church had a devasting fire in October 2024; and the community center is now the temporary Church. The letter from National Regent Susan Mone stated "Please know that the check for St. Anthony represents all our CDA members to make this donation possible and that many prayers, Masses and Rosaries have been and will continue to be said for those in need."
Court #2278
Our Lady of Lourdes #2278: Corporate Communion together for their 40th Anniversary in February, 2025. They were honored with a visit from Our National Regent, Susan Mone who attended the general meeting of the court and their luncheon celebration.
Court #2677
Court #2677 recently held their annual Cookie Walk.
Delicious Cookies!
Cookie Walk Crew
Cathy Kapetanakis, Becky Nievera, Vanessa Jones, and Lin Lorenzana
Court #2067
Pictured is Paulette Nordin, Vice Regent, showing one of the sleeping mats made for the homeless. This ministry was introduced a few years ago at Our Fall Gathering. Nice work!
Court #1932
Court Padre Kino led an Advent Rosary for the parishioners of the Church of the Resurrection in Tempe.
Court #1932
Court Padre Kino held their Officer Installation ceremony for the 2024-2025 year.
Court #2677
Court #2677 recently served as an honor guard for deceased and beloved member Joanna Witushek.
Court #2677
Vanessa Jones, Financial Secretary of Court #2677, St. Clare of Assisi, played the part of Our Lady in an Advent by Candlelight skit.