Arizona State CDA Information
Greetings Arizona Catholic Daughters! We the state officers, Lorrie, Lynn, Carolyn, Christine, and Diana want to extend our very best wishes to all of you. We ask The Lord’s blessings upon you. We have the goal and aim of working to connect all of us to each other. In order to do this, a database has been set up to communicate with each of you. Through this means of communication you can submit prayer requests announce events you are holding and notify us all of the passing of a member. We, the state officers, will make every attempt possible to attend her Celebration of life.
Also important, you will receive a Daily Spirituality Message. Madeline Marcoux, Immediate Past Regent of Court #2677 in Surprise is our Communications and Public Relations Director. We sincerely hope and pray you will take advantage of all that she has to offer and heed state messages. You may choose not to open messages every day depending on your level of interest. We do ask you to watch for and read any message with the Subject line: ALERT STATE MESSAGE. It indicates an important notice is being sent by the State Board.
The newsletter is published by Madeline Marcoux, Court #2677 and is posted here. Every member will now be able to read the state newsletter. Unfortunately, there are over 200 members who either do not have email or a phone listed in our state roster. We are working out the details to include them. Until we do, we ask you to communicate to those ladies, so no one is left out.
To request a prayer in the Spirituality message, please respond to any weekly message and list the first name along with the petition, not to exceed three words, or you can request a "special intention" when it is of a sensitive nature.
Finally, let’s make this the year we all realize what this biblical verse from Jesus means to each one of us: “You did not choose Me, I chose you.”
The Arizona Catholic Daughters of the Americas tag line is: Unity and Charity
There are currently 28 courts in Arizona – find one near you by clicking on the “COURTS” link
We meet 9 months of the year: September through May.
Five officers and a District Deputy make up the leadership in each court.
We embrace a twofold platform: Spirituality and the Circle of Love.
We attend mass together on National Catholic Daughter Sunday by Proclamation of the National Regent.
Some courts celebrate a corporate communion mass monthly.
We attend National and State Conventions biennially.
We elect new National and State officers at conventions.